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Showing List for: Education


Short Title

Last Action

 HB1334 Schools; powers of common school district boards; authorizing transfer of real property to certain housing authorities; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB2009 Schools; requiring the State Department of Education to annually publish certain report.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB2082 Elections; election dates; providing for primary and general elections for candidates for the board of education; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB2259 Children; child abuse or neglect reporting requirements; specifying teachers be required to report cases of abuse or neglect; time limitation; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB2513 Schools; providing eligibility of child of teacher or support employee to participate in program and qualify for tuition payments; effective date.       REF TO HIGHERED (H)

 HB2526 Schools; prohibiting the use of seclusion on students identified with the most significant cognitive disabilities; effective date.       REF TO ED (S)

 HB2529 Revenue and taxation; Scholarship Granting Organization Tax Credit Amendments Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2556 Schools; prohibiting teacher from entering into contract with charter school under certain circumstances; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB2560 Schools; creating the School Sunscreen Act; effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 HB2561 Education; creating the Oklahoma Education Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2562 Education; creating the Oklahoma Education Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2563 Education; creating the Common Education Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2564 Education; creating the Oklahoma Common Education Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2571 Charter schools; requiring hearing for charter school applicant and local school district; appeal procedures; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB2572 Schools; Reading Sufficiency Act; modifying assessment levels for probationary promotion and retention; effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 HB2586 Education; creating the Oklahoma Education Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2587 Teachers; creating the Oklahoma Teacher Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2603 Schools; School Code; clarifying language; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2612 Schools; prohibiting State Department of Education from creating or modifying mandates that increase costs on public schools unless funding is provided; effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 HB2617 Revenue and taxation; providing income tax deduction for certified teachers buying classroom materials, supplies or equipment; effective date.       REF TO AP-FIN (H)

 HB2620 Schools; requiring State Department of Education to notify public when school district employs a person with an emergency certificate; effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 HB2623 Schools; requiring legislative approval of any proposed change to the list of required immunizations for students; effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 HB2654 Schools; Healthy and Fit Kids Act of 2004; directing establishment of a local school wellness policy; effective date.       REF TO AP-EDU (H)

 HB2672 School boards of education; creating the Oklahoma School Boards of Education Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2674 Public finance; Common School District Capital Projects Finance Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2677 Education; creating the Private Schools Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2678 Teachers; creating the Oklahoma Teacher Pay Raise Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2682 Schools; Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program Act; clarifying language; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2685 Education; creating the Vaccination Informed Consent Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2687 Education; creating the Oklahoma Education Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2688 Schools; Healthy and Fit Kids Act of 2004; directing establishment of a local school wellness policy; effective date.       REF TO AP-EDU (H)

 HB2693 Schools; specified school psychologists, speech-language pathologists and audiologists; deleting annual salary bonus funding contingency language; effective date; emergency.       REF TO AP-EDU (H)

 HB2696 Schools; School Code; clarifying language; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2703 Education; creating the Education Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2704 Education; creating the Oklahoma Education Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2720 Schools; School Code; clarifying language; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2723 School employee organizations; eliminating recognition of organization if it fails to receive a majority of votes; effective date; emergency.       REF TO COMED (H)

 HB2724 Schools; providing eligibility of child of teacher to participate in OHLAP if financial need is established; effective date.       REF TO HIGHERED (H)

 HB2725 Higher education; requiring each board of regents to adopt a housing policy prohibiting co-ed housing; emergency.       REF TO HIGHERED (H)

 HB2731 School employee pay; deleting contingency for funding annual salary bonus; effective date; emergency.       REF TO AP-EDU (H)

 HB2732 Schools; requiring private schools receiving state funds to publish special education annual report; effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 HB2733 Teachers; increasing salary increments for teachers with National Board certification; providing high-needs bonus for certain teachers; emergency.       REF TO AP-EDU (H)

 HB2734 Schools; allowing professional development program to include consent and healthy relationships education.       REF TO ED (S)

 HB2739 Education; creating the 2018 Education Act of Oklahoma; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2750 Schools; School Code; clarifying language; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2751 Schools; creating the School District Consolidation Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2761 Revenue and taxation; commercial hunting leases; tax levy; procedures; penalty; interest; apportionment; effective date.       REC CR DP AP-FIN (H)

 HB2764 Schools; creating the Regional School Supervisory Commission Act; effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 HB2773 Alternative education; directing school district to use risk assessment and rehabilitation records in determining threat of student; effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 HB2778 Higher education; creating the Oklahoma Higher Education Reform Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2781 Education; creating the School Reporting Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2782 Education; creating the Education Scholarships Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2842 Revenue and taxation; gross production tax; apportionment; Teacher Compensation Enhancement Revolving Fund; effective date; emergency.       REF TO AP-EDU (H)

 HB2856 Education; creating the Oklahoma Education Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2859 Schools; Public School Classroom Support Revolving Fund; reauthorizing income tax checkoff; effective date.       REC CR DP AP-EDU (H)

 HB2860 Schools; requiring certain financial data or a link to such data to be posted on certain website; requiring superintendent compensation package to be included on certain website; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB2879 State government; limiting certain health insurance benefit plan premiums; effective date.       REF TO AP-GOV (H)

 HB2882 Law enforcement training; authorizing certain schools and institutions of education to offer courses and training for law enforcement certification upon approval of CLEET; codification; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB2888 Schools; teacher certification; establishing initial, career, mentor and lead teaching certificates; criteria; contract requirements; effective date.       REF TO ED (S)

 HB2898 Schools; clarifying language; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2911 Apprenticeship programs; Individual Career and Academic Plan; amending definition; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB2914 Charter schools; requiring charter school to comply with employer-employee bargaining laws if certain employee petition is filed; effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 HB2928 Revenue and taxation; permitting credit for taxpayer who makes contribution to public school; effective date.       REF TO AP-EDU (H)

 HB2960 Revenue and taxation; Oklahoma Equal Opportunity Education Scholarship Act; required reporting; required publication of reports; effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 HB2962 Schools; clarifying language; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2963 Teachers; creating the Oklahoma College Tuition and Student Athletes Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2965 Schools; creating the School Funding Reform Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2970 Schools; clarifying language; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2973 Schools; creating the Oklahoma Schools Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2979 Revenue and taxation; sales tax exemptions; teacher-purchased classroom supplies; repealing duplicate section; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2987 Physician Manpower Training Commission; expanding eligibility of program to physician assistants; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB3000 Schools; creating the Fifth Day School Partnership Act; providing for virtual instruction taught by student teachers; effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 HB3001 Schools; authorizing board of education to issue bonds for teacher compensation; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3014 Schools; directing adoption of rules allowing district to modify graduation requirements for certain transfer students; effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 HB3015 Schools; mandating equal test score requirement for eligibility for all concurrent enrollment students; effective date.       REF TO HIGHERED (H)

 HB3021 Schools; updating HIV and AIDS prevention education curriculum in schools; effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 HB3022 Education; creating the Oklahoma Education Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3032 Schools; accountability system annual reports; prohibiting annual report from assigning grades to school sites and school districts; effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 HB3035 Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program; clarifying language; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3049 Virtual charter schools; requiring state and local funds received by certain schools to be kept in separate account; effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 HB3054 Public finance; Information Technology Consolidation and Coordination Act; modifying definitions; exempting certain agencies from consolidation; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB3081 Schools; directing State Board of Education to promulgate rules for restraint and seclusion; requiring rules to align with guidelines by the U.S. Department of Education; effective date.       MEASURE FAILED (S)

 HB3117 Boards of education; providing appeal process for board member in violation of the continuing education requirements; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB3125 Schools; creating the Oklahoma Education Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3128 Schools; creating the Education Funding Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3130 Charter schools; prohibiting State Board of Education from sponsoring charter school that has been denied application by the local school district; effective date; emergency.       REF TO COMED (H)

 HB3137 Professions and occupations; creating the School of Osteopathic Medicine Revisions Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3152 School boards; prohibition of certain relationships; providing exception; emergency.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB3153 Public finance; repealing time requirement for presenting full funding for support of common education; emergency.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB3162 Education; creating the Title 70 Schools Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3163 Education; creating the Early Childhood Education Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3177 Schools; creating the Schools Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3192 Firearms; authorizing the board of education of a school district to designate personnel with handgun license to carry on school property; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB3200 Education; creating the Title 70 Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3201 Education; creating the 2018 Education Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3220 Schools; authorizing State Board of Career and Technology Education to develop certification system for teachers and instructors who teach in technology center school districts; effective date; emergency.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB3221 Schools; requiring inclusion of Juneteenth in social studies curriculum; requiring administration of certain assessments electronically; effective date; emergency.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB3222 Schools; repealing rewards program for monetary prizes based on obsolete academic performance data measures; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB3223 Schools; State Aid Formula; modifying calculation of Motor Vehicle Collections; effective date.       REF TO AP-EDU (H)

 HB3245 Education; creating the Oklahoma Higher Education Reform Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3246 Education; creating the Higher Education Reform Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3247 Common education; creating the Common Education Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3248 Common education; creating the Oklahoma Common Education Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3249 Common education; creating the Common Education Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3261 Schools; creating the Title 70 Schools Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3291 Schools; prohibiting school superintendent from receiving compensation that exceeds compensation of State Superintendent of Public Instruction; effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 HB3296 Charter schools; creating the Charter Schools Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3299 Education and funding; creating the Concurrent Enrollment Funding Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3307 Children; creating the Student Abuse Reporting Act of 2018; noncodification; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3308 Education; creating the Classroom Teacher Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3309 Schools; changing name of residency program; directing administration of induction program as funds are available; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB3310 Schools; creating the Enrollment Accountability Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3311 Schools; school curriculum; requiring inclusion of content from US naturalization test in standards; mandating emphasis on civics; US history assessment; effective date; emergency.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB3312 Schools; creating the Oklahoma School Code of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3313 Education; Dyslexia and Education Task Force; modifying task force membership; emergency.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB3315 Schools; deleting mandatory cardiopulmonary resuscitation instruction for high school students; effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 HB3352 Education; creating the Education Reform Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3357 Schools, advertising on exterior of transportation equipment; limitations on content of advertising; codification; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3386 Schools; clarifying language; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3390 Schools; increasing minimum teacher salary schedule; effective date; emergency.       REF TO AP-EDU (H)

 HB3414 Education; creating the Oklahoma Education Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3436 Education; creating the Education Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3440 Schools; Commissioners of the Land Office; Teacher Bonus Revolving Fund; State Aid formula; effective date; emergency.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB3446 State Board of Education; prohibiting State Board of Education from overriding local school district decision to deny a charter school application; effective date; emergency.       REF TO COMED (H)

 HB3448 Schools; clarifying language; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3450 Revenue and taxation; Oklahoma Equal Opportunity Education Scholarship; annual cap; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3461 Schools; creating the Graduation Requirements Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3464 Schools; creating the Common Education Testing Requirements Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3465 Education; creating the Education Funding Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3471 Schools; requiring inclusion of information about Juneteenth in social studies curriculum; effective date.       REF TO APPR (S)

 HB3509 Education; creating the Education Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3510 Education; creating the Oklahoma Education Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3511 Education; creating the Oklahoma Education Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3512 Education; creating the Education Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3513 Education; creating the Common Education Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3514 Education; creating the Common Education Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3515 Education; creating the Military Family Education Empowerment Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3533 Schools; requiring school district to spend certain percentage of budget on instructional expenditures; effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 HB3537 Income tax; increasing cap on annual credits; effective date.       REC CR DPCS AP-FIN (H)

 HB3538 Oklahoma Education Lottery Act; authorizing use of web application to submit lottery-sponsored and second-chance promotions; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB3539 Teacher minimum salary and benefits; removing provisions related to years of experience; effective date; emergency.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB3540 Schools; School District Transparency Act; directing additional data to be included on State Department of Education website; effective date.       REF TO ED (S)

 HB3541 Higher education; providing intent of Legislature regarding adoption of certain policy; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3543 Schools; prohibiting school year from beginning earlier than the first Monday in September; providing exception; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3545 Education; creating the Oklahoma Medical Education Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3546 Education; creating the Oklahoma Medical Education Act II of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3547 Education; creating the School Funding Formula Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3548 Education; creating the Oklahoma School Funding Formula Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3568 Schools; creating the Title 70 Schools Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3574 Education spending; creating the Education Spending Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3586 Higher education; creating the Forming Open and Robust University Minds Act; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB3591 Higher education; requiring other grants and scholarships to be exhausted prior to award being made; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB3592 Higher education; requiring certain funds to be returned to the Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program if a student withdraws from certain class prior to certain period; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB3605 Education; creating the Education Reform Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3606 Education; creating the Education Accountability Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3607 Higher education; creating the Oklahoma Higher Education Reform Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3608 Higher education; creating the Oklahoma Higher Education Funding Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3609 Higher education; creating the Oklahoma Higher Education Funding Act II of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3610 Higher education; creating the Oklahoma Higher Education Improvement Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3611 Higher education; creating the Oklahoma Higher Education Improvement Act II; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3612 Higher education; creating the Oklahoma Higher Education Improvement Act III; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3613 Schools; creating the School Fleet Vehicles Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3632 Education; creating the Oklahoma Education Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3638 Legislative referendum; creating the Higher Education Reform Act; ballot title; filing.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3675 Teacher compensation; requiring school districts to spend certain percentage of funds for teacher compensation; effective date.       REF TO APPROP (H)

 HB3680 Teacher compensation; creating the Teacher Compensation Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3681 Teacher compensation; creating the Teacher Flexible Benefits Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3682 Schools; removing certain exclusion from determination of minimum salary schedule; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3683 Higher education; requiring certain institutions to award certain scholarships to Oklahoma residents; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3687 School funding; creating the School Funding Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3688 Education funding; creating the Education Funding Reform Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3689 Education funding; creating the Off the Top Revenues Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3690 School health insurance; directing flexible benefit allowance funds to be disbursed to State Department of Education; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3692 School district insurance; creating the School District Insurance Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3705 Education funding; making appropriations to the State Board of Education; identifying sources and amounts; effective date; emergency.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HJR1040 Higher education; creating the Oklahoma Higher Education Reform Act of 2018; ballot title.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HJR1048 Constitutional amendment; making offices of State Treasurer, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Commissioner of Labor and Insurance Commissioner appointed offices; ballot title; filing.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HJR1049 Oklahoma Constitution; Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust Fund; Health-Care-Related Teacher Compensation Fund; ballot title; filing.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HJR1055 Constitutional amendment; clarifying language relating to The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education; ballot title; filing.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HJR1061 Higher education; creating the Oklahoma Higher Education Appropriations Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HJR1062 Higher education; legislative referendum; creating the Oklahoma Higher Education Tuition Act of 2018; effective date; ballot title; filing.       REF TO RULES (H)

 SB1002 Teacher pay; establishing minimum salary schedule for teachers; defining fringe benefits; prohibiting application to certain retired teachers. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO AP-EDUC (S)

 SB1007 Schools; requiring certain committee to establish a school wellness policy. Effective date.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1009 Private schools; authorizing the Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools to create an equivalency program. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1012 Education; requiring AIDS prevention education to include certain information. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1014 Higher education; creating the Campus Individual Rights Act; providing for legal representation of certain students. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SB1015 Larry Dickerson Education Flexible Benefits Allowance Act; modifying definition. Effective date. Emergency.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB1020 Schools; modifying date by which children must turn certain age to attend certain grades. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 SB1031 Public finance; providing bond oversight for local school district bonds. Effective date.       FAILED IN COMMITTEE (S)

 SB1036 Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program; amending award allocation; restricting amount of funds awarded. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO AP-EDUC (S)

 SB1041 School support personnel; providing an increase in compensation. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO AP-EDUC (S)

 SB1051 School expenditures; defining instructional expenditure; requiring reporting of certain categories. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO AP-EDUC (S)

 SB1055 Schools; requiring certain subject matter standards to include certain content; modifying subject of certain assessment to be given in certain school years. Effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 SB1056 Teachers' retirement; eliminating Tax-Sheltered Annuity Program; modifying disability allowance.       REF TO BANKBUS (H)

 SB1073 Higher education; prohibiting certain boards of regents from establishing certain tenure plans. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1079 Schools; creating the Oklahoma School Oversight and Review Commission; providing for duties of Commission. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1090 School expenditures; prohibiting certain schools from using certain funds on certain private lessons. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1092 Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program; providing eligibility for children of certain teachers. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO AP-EDUC (S)

 SB1104 Schools; requiring schools to provide meal applications; requiring schools to provide certain meals to students. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 SB1105 Education; directing school districts to provide certain age-appropriate instruction about HIV, AIDS and related issues. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO COMED (H)

 SB1106 Schools; requiring school districts to allow students to possess and self-administer sunscreen with authorization. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1115 Schools; requiring a financial penalty to be assessed against school districts that fail to meet certain class size limits. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1123 Immunizations; removing certain exemption. Effective date.       FAILED IN COMMITTEE (S)

 SB1139 Higher education; creating a task force to study and make recommendations regarding two-year colleges. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1150 School employees; requiring school employees to report certain behavior; requiring school employees to report certain belief of abuse or neglect. Effective date. Emergency.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB1159 Firearms; authorizing handgun licensees to carry on certain school property. Effective date.       REF TO PUBSAFE (S)

 SB1188 Higher education; providing for certain teachers to begin earning certain tuition waivers. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1189 School funding; modifying certain data to be used in State Aid calculations. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1190 Reading Sufficiency Act; directing the State Board of Education to ensure students meet certain minimum criteria.       VETOED

 SB1191 Education funds; creating the Education Improvement Revolving Fund; requiring apportionment of certain funds ; prohibiting supplanting or replacement of existing state funds; stating use of monies in the fund. Conditional effective date.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SB1192 Student enrollment; requiring schools to submit certain enrollment data to the State Department of Education. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1196 Concurrent enrollment; application of certain tuition waivers; requiring certain report. Effective date. Emergency.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB1197 Schools; modifying student performance level labels and descriptions.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB1198 Public School Classroom Support Revolving Fund; reauthorizing income tax checkoff. Effective date. Emergency.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB1199 Schools; requiring certain revenue and expenditure data or a link to such data to be posted on certain website. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1200 Higher education; directing institutions of higher education to adopt a policy affirming certain free speech principles. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1201 Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program; establishing eligibility for certain forgivable loan. Effective dates. Emergency.       REF TO AP-EDUC (S)

 SB1202 Higher education; directing the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to adopt certain policy. Effective date.       MEASURE FAILED (S)

 SB1223 Schools; creating the Oklahoma Privacy Accommodation Act; requiring school districts to provide reasonable accommodations to certain students. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1231 Career and technology education; creating a task force to study funding. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO AP-EDUC (S)

 SB1232 School superintendents; establishing maximum salary schedule. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO AP-EDUC (S)

 SB1233 Higher education; creating a task force to study and make recommendations regarding two-year colleges. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 SB1234 Higher education; creating a task force to study and make recommendations regarding two-year colleges. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 SB1263 Oklahoma Open Meeting Act; modifying requirements for virtual charter schools. Effective date. Emergency.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1277 Income tax; providing exemption for certain teachers. Effective date.       REF TO APPR (S)

 SB1283 School agencies; directing the State Board of Education to assume powers and duties of certain commission. Effective dates.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1286 School superintendents; establishing maximum salary for superintendents; allowing district boards to exceed maximum under certain circumstances. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO AP-EDUC (S)

 SB1287 Schools; modifying definitions under the School Safety and Bullying Prevention Act; adding person to Safe School Committee. Effective date. Emergency.       VETOED

 SB1288 Schools; requiring rather than allowing administration of certain assessments electronically. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO APPROP (H)

 SB1289 Schools; modifying grades required to enroll in a minimum of six periods. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO COMED (H)

 SB1290 School district accounting; removing language regarding duties of encumbrance clerks and treasurers. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO AP-EDU (H)

 SB1291 Virtual charter schools; creating a task force to study virtual charter school operations. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1292 Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program; requiring posting of certain information. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1293 Schools; removing language requiring submission of certain physical activity reports. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO COMED (H)

 SB1300 Schools; prohibiting school districts that have adopted certain school day policy from engaging in certain activities. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1301 Special education; requiring private schools participating in scholarship program to provide certain affirmation. Effective date.       WD FROM AP-EDU (H)

 SB1303 Oklahoma Education Lottery Act; authorizing Commission to modify certain methods of payment for tickets. Effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB133 Teacher pay; salary schedule. Coditional effective date. Emergency.       REF TO AP-FIN (H)

 SB1344 School employees; requiring professional development to address penalties for failure to report abuse and neglect. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO COMED (H)

 SB1349 Public health and safety; creating the Oklahoma Medical Resident Loan Repayment Program. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1354 Oklahoma Hospital Residency Training Program Act; modifying preference for certain medical school graduates. Effective date.       HA'S READ (S)

 SB1361 Higher education; directing the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to adopt certain enrollment policy. Effective date.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1363 Teacher pay; establishing minimum salary schedule; providing for calculation of the regional average teacher salary. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO AP-EDUC (S)

 SB1370 Schools; requiring certain meeting prior to core curriculum enrollment; adding certain mathematics core curriculum unit. Effective date. Emergency.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB1387 Teachers' retirement; authorizing one-time benefit to certain persons.       REF TO RETIRE (S)

 SB1398 School building funds; expanding definition of and authorized uses for building funds; deleting requirement. Conditional effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB1408 Teachers; providing for certain bonuses to be paid to teachers who attain certain certification. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO AP-EDUC (S)

 SB1409 School counselors; requiring school counselors to spend certain percentage of time on direct services. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO COMED (H)

 SB1413 Schools; requiring certain units to be taken in certain grades; removing requirement for certain assessment. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1414 Teacher pay; estabishing minimum salary schedule for teachers; prohibiting application to district superintendents. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO AP-EDUC (S)

 SB1435 Student discipline; allowing a school district to adopt alternative disciplinary actions. Effective date. Emergency.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1436 Statewide Virtual Charter School Board; removing language allowing certain decisions to be appealed to the State Board of Education. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1480 Teachers' retirement; increasing certain health insurance premium benefit.       REF TO RETIRE (S)

 SB1484 Teachers; providing for payment of portion of certain National Board certification assessment fees; modifying minimum salary schedule. Effective date.       MEASURE FAILED (S)

 SB1582 Appropriations; making appropriation to Oklahoma Education Lottery Trust Fund. Emergency.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB1599 School athletic associations; requiring association policy to address certain district alignments. Effective date.       REF TO JOINT (S)

 SB210 School employees; allowing teachers to be related within certain degree to school board members. Effective date. Emergency.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB243 Schools; requiring certain financial report to be presented monthly to district boards of education. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO COMED (H)

 SB246 Education; HIV/AIDS prevention education; providing definitions. Effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 SB262 Higher education; exempting certain religious degrees from certain requirements. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO HIGHERED (H)

 SB344 School buses; penalty. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB359 Charter schools; allowing charter schools to submit requests to participate in certain bond election. Effective date.       REF TO AP-EDU (H)

 SB389 State Aid formula; directing the State Board of Education to conduct certain review. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO COMED (H)

 SB390 Teacher preparation; providing for training in digital and other instructional technologies. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO COMED (H)

 SB393 School curriculum; creating the Oklahoma Science Education Act. Effective date. Emergency.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB515 Oklahoma School Testing Program; factors in certain accountability reports. Effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 SB618 Teacher pay; establishing minimum salary schedule for teachers; defining fringe benefits. Effective date.       REF TO APPROP (H)

 SB70 Common education; providing for a performance audit on the State Department of Education. Effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 SB72 Career and technology education; requiring a performance audit on the Department of Career and Technology Education. Effective date.       REF TO HIGHERED (H)

 SB725 Vaccinations; requiring school districts to report vaccine exemption information to Department of Health. Effective date. Emergency.       EMERGENCY RESTORED

 SB81 Student discipline; lowering the grade level at which students can be subject to out-of-school suspension. Effective date. Emergency.       EMERGENCY RESTORED

 SB877 Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program; prohibiting award amount from exceeding certain limit. Effective date.       REF TO AP-EDUC (S)

 SB878 Bullying prevention; modifying requirement for bullying prevention training. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB879 Charter schools; removing ability for the State Board of Education to sponsor certain charter schools. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB880 Science, technology, engineering and mathematics education; modifying entity responsible for certain program. Effective date. Emergency.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB881 Schools; requiring charter schools and private schools participating in certain program to contract with certified teachers. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB887 School building funds; expanding authorized use of certain fund for operations. Conditional effective date.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SB889 Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program; modifying income qualification eligibility for certain students. Effective date.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB899 School employees; requiring school district employees to complete certain training. Effective date. Emergency.       FAILED IN COMMITTEE (S)

 SB903 School Consolidation Assistance Fund; requiring certain filing prior to severance payment. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 SB920 Schools; requiring administrative services of certain school districts to be combined. Effective date. Emergency.       FAILED IN COMMITTEE (S)

 SB929 State Aid Formula; modifying certain definitions calculating a school district's weighted membership; modifying reference; adding certain per pupil category. Effective date. Emergency.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB935 Teachers; requiring a teacher whose certificate has been suspended to remain employed. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB936 Teacher pay; prohibiting school districts from reducing the salary required to be paid by the minimum salary schedule if a district elects to cover fringe benefits. Effective date. Emergency.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB950 Schools; requiring public schools to permit students to apply sunscreen. Effective date. Emergency.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB952 Income tax; creating credit for specified classroom expenses of a teacher; limiting amount of credit. Effective date.       REF TO AP-FIN (S)

 SB958 Schools; allowing students enrolled in certain charter schools to participate in extracurricular activities. Effective date.       FAILED IN COMMITTEE (S)

 SB960 School employees; prohibiting certain conditions from being placed on certain payroll deductions.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB967 Student discipline; requiring schools with certain out-of-school suspension rate to engage in certain continuing education. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB980 Teachers; providing criteria for issuance of certain teaching certificates; providing application process; providing for promulgation of rules. Effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB981 Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program; providing certain exemption for certain students. Effective date. Emergency.       FAILED IN COMMITTEE (S)

 SB985 Virtual charter schools; requiring virtual charter schools to report certain graduation rate. Effective date.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB986 School Finance Review Commission; adding members and duties to the Commission. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB987 Private schools; requiring disclosure of certain employment and wage information. Effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 SB988 Private schools; requiring private schools to have certain reserve fund. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB989 Education; requiring emotional literacy education to be taught in public school districts. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB990 Virtual charter schools; requiring virtual charter schools to meet certain promotion rate. Effective date.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB991 Handguns on school property; removing language allowing certain carrying of handguns on public school property. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO PUBSAFE (S)

 SB999 Students; directing a student be considered a district member if the resident district changes for certain reasons. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO COMED (H)

 SCR16 Concurrent resolution; requiring the State Regents for Higher Education to submit certain report.       INTRODUCED (H)

 SCR17 Concurrent resolution; urging matching funding for certain land grant institutions.       INTRODUCED (S)

 SCR18 Concurrent resolution; expressing support for increased funding for certain career and technical education programs.       INTRODUCED (S)

 SJR48 Constitutional amendment; requiring line-item appropriations to certain institutions. Ballot title.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SJR51 Constitutional amendment; allowing the Legislature to construct policy for certain institutions of higher education. Ballot title.       FAILED IN COMMITTEE (S)

 SJR55 Constitutional amendment; increasing limit on amount of indebtedness of school district under specified circumstances. Ballot title.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SJR57 Constitutional amendment; removing certain exemption from requirement to immunize certain children. Ballot title.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SJR59 Constitutional amendment; allowing a member of the Legislature to be employed as a certified teacher. Ballot title.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SJR70 Constitutional amendment; expanding authorized use of certain ad valorem levy to certain operations. Ballot title.       SEC OF STATE

 SJR72 Approving in whole certain subject matter standards; directing distribution.       SEC OF STATE

Address: 2300 N Lincoln Blvd., State Capitol Building, Oklahoma City, OK 73105