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Showing List for: Taxation - Credits


Short Title

Last Action

 HB1070 Revenue and taxation; zero-emission facility tax credits; emergency.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB1071 Revenue and taxation; cigarette excise tax; child tax credit.       REF TO RULES (H)

 SB13 Income tax; limiting refund of certain tax credits for production and sale of coal after specified time period.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 SB14 Income tax; limiting refund of certain tax credits for generation of power from zero-emission facilities after specified time period.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 SB43 Income tax; limiting amount allowed as credits for zero-emission facilities for specified fiscal years.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SB46 Income tax; limiting time period during which credits may be claimed for investments in affordable housing.       REF TO JOINT (S)

 SB49 Tax credits. Reducing tax credits for certain time.       REF TO JOINT (S)

 SB50 Tax credits. Reducing tax credits for certain time.       REF TO RULES (S)

Address: 2300 N Lincoln Blvd., State Capitol Building, Oklahoma City, OK 73105