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Showing List for: Retirement - Firefighters Pension and Retirement System


Short Title

Last Action

 HB2487 Public retirement systems; Oklahoma Pension Legislation Actuarial Analysis Act; Firefighters Pension and Retirement System; definition; requirements; benefits; plans; volunteer pension; effective dates.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB4130 Public retirement systems; Oklahoma Pension Legislation Actuarial Analysis Act; Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System; definition; membership; service; actuarial analysis; reports; procedure; effective dates.       REF TO BANK (H)

 SB897 Firefighters Pension and Retirement System; allowing municipalities under certain population to hire certain retired members; no additional service credit; prohibiting certain reemployment. Effective date. Emergency.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

Address: 2300 N Lincoln Blvd., State Capitol Building, Oklahoma City, OK 73105