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Showing List for: Health


Short Title

Last Action

 HB1011 Disabilities; Strategic Planning Committee on the Olmstead Decision; modifying policy; creating the Commission on Independence and Ability; effective date; emergency.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB1018 Education; directing school districts to provide age-appropriate instruction about HIV and AIDS; effective date; emergency.       VETOED

 HB1022 Children; creating the Task Force on Trauma-Informed Care; emergency.       RET BY GOVERNOR (H)

 HB1051 Schools; directing local school districts to conduct an annual fitness assessment.       REF TO ED (S)

 HB1098 Labor; prohibiting discrimination against unvaccinated employees; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB1099 Public health and safety; creating the Clear the Air Act; effective date.       REF TO BUS (H)

 HB1163 Mental health; Mental Health Initiative Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB1182 Physician licensure; directing Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision and State Board of Osteopathic Examiners to revoke licenses for performing abortion.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB1211 Public health and safety; Oklahoma Medical Micropigmentation Regulation Act; modifying definition; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB1308 School safety; threatening behavior; requiring report to law enforcement; modifying immunity; threat assessment; effective date.       MEASURE FAILED (H)

 HB1333 Public health and safety; creating the Public Health and Safety Advancement Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB1356 Public health and safety; creating the Oklahoma Shared Savings Incentive Program; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB1392 Children; Oklahoma Children's Code; modifying term; adding definition for qualified residential treatment program; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB1396 Public health and safety; abortions; modifying prohibition; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB1398 Mental health; creating the Oklahoma Mental Health Improvement Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB1432 Tobacco and vaping products; prohibiting sale of tobacco and vapor products to persons under twenty-one years of age; emergency.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 HB1844 Mental health; creating the Mental Health Reform Act of 2019; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB1845 Mental health; creating the Mental Health Reform Act of 2019; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB1846 Mental health; creating the Mental Health Reform Act of 2019; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB1847 Mental health; creating the Mental Health Reform Act of 2019; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB1848 Mental health; creating the Mental Health Reform Act of 2019; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB1858 Crimes and punishments; expanding scope of crime to include certain sexually transmitted diseases; effective date.       REF TO JUDIC (H)

 HB1955 Public health and safety; Office of Accountability Systems of the State Department of Health; modifying reporting; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB1979 Public health and safety; creating the TBI Advisory Council; providing certain services for individuals with traumatic brain injury; effective date.       VETOED

 HB2019 Criminal procedure; directing courts to determine certain status of accused persons when considering pretrial release; effective date.       THIRD READING (S)

 HB2038 Child care; setting nutrition and physical activity standards for licensed child care centers; effective date.       MEASURE FAILED (S)

 HB2065 Public health and safety; creating the Trauma-Informed Care Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2074 Public Health and Safety; creating the Public Health Improvement Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2200 Mental health; Mental Health Improvement Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2288 Public health and safety; creating Oklahoma Workplace Clean Air Act; prohibiting smoking in public places; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB2314 Pharmacy Audit Integrity Act; modifying and expanding auditor duties; audit requirements; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB2318 Prescriptions; Mail Order Prescription Reform Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2350 Opioid drugs; limits and rules for prescription drugs; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2428 Public health and safety; labeling of beef; identification of imported beef; effective date.       REF TO AGRI (H)

 HB2451 Health Care; creating the Oklahoma Mental Health Improvement Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2452 Health Care; Oklahoma Mental Health Development Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2460 Labor; nonsmoking as condition for employment; removing certain condition for employment; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB2545 Public health and safety; creating the Oklahoma for Life Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2556 Public health and safety; creating the Oklahoma Tobacco Initiative Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2587 Health care; creating the Nondiscrimination in Health Care Coverage Act; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB2588 Guardians; limitation of powers of guardian; requiring separate order from court; requirements; limiting authorization; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB2592 Health care; making an appropriation to the State Department of Health for certain purpose; effective date; emergency.       REF TO APPR (S)

 HB2617 Pharmacy consultants; establishing that a pharmacy consultant performing pharmacy benefit management services shall have a fiduciary duty to the state; effective date.       REF TO RETIRE (S)

 HB2672 Public health and safety; Oklahoma State University Medical Authority; appointment of members; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2780 Medical facilities; short-term emergency and nonemergency facilities; prohibiting operation of certain facility without a license; requirements; licensing fees; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB2799 Schools; requiring biennial administration of the Preventions Needs Assessment Survey by the Department of Education; effective date.       REF TO ED (S)

 HB2807 Mental health; creating the Oklahoma Mental Health Assessment Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2852 Public health; importation of prescription drugs; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB2859 Public health; educational and training materials on safe sleep practices for newborns; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2861 Cosmetic procedures; creating the Oklahoma Cosmetic Procedures Licensing Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2863 Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; creating the Oklahoma Syringe and Needle Exchange Act; emergency.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2890 Mental health; prohibiting contact of law enforcement under certain circumstances; effective date.       REF TO JUDIC (H)

 HB2897 Tobacco; providing exemption for institutions and facilities of the Department of Corrections; effective date.       REF TO PUBSAFE (S)

 HB2903 Mental health; providing definition of substance abuse records; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB2925 Health; Oklahoma Health Amelioration Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2926 Public health; creating the Traumatic Brain Injury Reform Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2934 Criminal procedure; creating the Oklahoma Mental Health Court Act; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB2938 Public health; modifying certain exception relating to confidential information; emergency.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB2955 Public health; Oklahoma Public Health Improvement Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2967 Public health; Oklahoma Public Health Advancement Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2990 Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; budget directive; pilot program; drug and alcohol rehabilitation; effective date; emergency.       REF TO AP-HLTH (H)

 HB2991 Schools; directing Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education to create a job training program for persons receiving alcohol- and drug-dependent treatment services; effective date.       REF TO HIGHERED (H)

 HB3013 Disabilities; public accommodations for persons with disabilities and service animals; effective date.       REF TO HLTH (H)

 HB3014 Parents' Bill of Rights; medical decisions; effective date.       REF TO CHILD (H)

 HB3016 Public health and safety; hotels; requiring the State Board of Health to promulgate certain rules regarding tornado safety; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB3017 Prisons and reformatories; inmates in need of psychiatric care; deleting requirement for certain entity to provide a psychiatrist; effective date.       REF TO PUBSAFE (S)

 HB3028 Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; harm-reduction services; emergency.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB3041 Law enforcement; developmental disability awareness training; option to attend training; curriculum; effective date.       REF TO PUBSAFE (S)

 HB3076 Health care; creating the Oklahoma Health Services Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3080 Blind persons; exempting counties from certain vending facility priority requirement; effective date.       REF TO COUNTY (H)

 HB3084 Public health; prescriptions; providing exception to electronic prescription requirement; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 HB3088 Maternal and infant mortality; requiring implicit bias training; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB3102 Public health and safety; confidentiality of vital records; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3139 Pharmacy; interchangeable biological products; effective date.       REF TO PUBHLTH (H)

 HB3140 Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; budget directive; effective date; emergency.       REF TO APPROP (H)

 HB3185 Taxation; sales tax exemptions; exempting sales to or from certain Comprehensive Community Addiction Recovery Centers; effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 HB3217 Mental health; voluntary and involuntary protective services; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB3223 Public health and safety; authorizing certain schools and persons to retain and donate tissue from bodies for the purpose of training dogs to search for human remains; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB3236 Schools; creating the Seizure-Safe Schools Act; training; administering medication requirements; education programs; emergency.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 HB3242 Medicare; Medicare supplement policies; providing exemption from filing requirements; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB3243 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Vaccination Reform Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3311 Public health; Oklahoma Emergency Response Systems Development Act; adding definitions; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3313 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Public Health and Safety Improvement Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3315 Taxation; tobacco products; electronic smoking devices; effective date.       REF TO AP-FIN (H)

 HB3319 Insurance; payment or reimbursement to Doctor of Pharmacy; effective date.       REF TO INSUR (H)

 HB3342 Education; Students' Mental Health Act of 2020; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3344 Cities and towns; creating the Local Ordinances for Smoking Reform Act of 2020; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3348 Schools; curriculum; mental health education; effective date.       REF TO COMED (H)

 HB3355 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Public Health Development Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3358 Public health; creating the Janie's Gift Act; effective date.       REF TO PUBHLTH (H)

 HB3360 Workers' compensation; modifying situations in which mental injury or illness is a compensable injury; effective date.       REF TO JUDIC (H)

 HB3373 Motor vehicles; creating the Shelby Johnson and Logan Deardorf Act of 2020; authority to deny application for or cancel license for certain ailments; effective date.       REF TO PUBSAFE (S)

 HB3383 Public health; creating the Advisory Council on Traumatic Brain Injury; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 HB3384 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Workplace Clean Air Act; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB3387 Public health; creating the Laboratory Billing Cap Act; effective date.       REF TO APPROP (H)

 HB3388 Insurance; creating the Oklahoma Out-of-Network Surprise Billing and Transparency Act; effective date.       REF TO RETIRE (S)

 HB3392 Public health; Oklahoma Medical Loan Repayment Program; inclusion of general surgery; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB3406 Children; foster parent training; fetal alcohol spectrum disorders; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB3413 Animals; requiring owners to vaccinate domestic dogs against rabies at certain times; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3418 Pharmacy; sale, manufacturing or packaging of dangerous drugs; licensure exceptions; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB3432 Mental health; creating the Oklahoma Mental Health Development Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3435 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Health Care Initiative Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3436 Mental health; creating the Oklahoma Mental Health Reform Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3437 Mental health; creating the Oklahoma Mental Health Improvement Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3438 Mental health; creating the Oklahoma Mental Health Advancement Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3440 Mental health; creating the Oklahoma Mental Health Initiative; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3445 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Vaccination Act of 2020; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3447 Insurance; calculation of an enrollee's defined sharing for prescription drugs; effective date.       REF TO RETIRE (S)

 HB3449 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Community Health Worker Act; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB3453 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Public Health Advancement Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3457 Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; expenditure directive; alcohol and drug rehabilitation services; faith-based organizations; effective date; emergency.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB3462 Revenue and taxation; sales tax exemptions; hearing aids; effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 HB3463 Assisted living centers; antipsychotic drugs in long-term care facilities; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB3481 Pharmacy management consultants; defining terms; payments and reimbursements; mail order pharmacies; performance standards; effective date.       REF TO RETIRE (S)

 HB3484 Public health; Oklahoma Public Health Transformation Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3485 Public health; Oklahoma Public Health Reform Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3491 Health records; modifying confidential records; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB3502 Medical facilities; short-term emergency and nonemergency hybrid medical facilities.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3506 Public health and safety; tanning facilities; providing exception; effective date.       REF TO BUS (H)

 HB3509 Pharmacy Audit Integrity Act; modifying auditor requirements and procedures; effective date.       REF TO BUS (H)

 HB3520 Public health; Infant and Maternal Mortality Reform Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3532 Revenue and taxation; tobacco products; definitions; stamps; excise taxation; penalties; effective date; emergency.       REF TO FIN (S)

 HB3533 Smoking in public places; prohibiting marijuana smoking and marijuana vaping in certain places; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3535 Public health and safety; infected inmates; deleting certain notification requirement; effective date.       REF TO PUBSAFE (S)

 HB3540 Schools; Maria's Law; mental health education; professional development programs; mental health awareness; effective date.       REF TO ED (S)

 HB3544 Public health; death certificates; authorizing an advanced practice registered nurse to sign a death certificate; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB3545 Mental Health; Oklahoma Mental Health Technology Act; effective date.       REF TO PUBHLTH (H)

 HB3546 Mental health; directing the Board of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services to promulgate rules for certification of Problem Gambling Treatment Counselors; renewal; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB3554 Mental health; certified services for the alcohol- and drug-dependent; providing exemption; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB3559 Midwifery; creating Shepherd's Law; creating the Advisory Committee on Midwifery; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB3560 Public health; prenatal classes and risks of drug or alcohol use; documentation of screening; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB3561 Schools; athlete concussions; creating a school athlete concussion registry within the State Department of Health; reports of school athlete concussions and deaths; effective date.       REF TO ED (S)

 HB3595 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Home Bakeries Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3621 Vulnerable Adults; enacting the Vulnerable Adult Protection Act of 2020; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3667 Public health and safety; Oklahoma Public Health and Safety Modernization Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3721 Public health; Oklahoma Tobacco Cessation Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3737 Insurance; Unfair Claims Settlement Practices Act; pharmacy benefits; prohibiting certain act; effective date.       REF TO RETIRE (S)

 HB3743 Vital records; providing for issuance of death certificates at local tag agencies; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB3757 Long-term care; disclosures under the Alzheimer's Disease Special Care Disclosure Act; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB3761 Public health; creating the Food Allergen Training Pilot Program; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3766 Public health; Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; clarifying which medications are subject to electronic prescription requirements; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB3787 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Pharmacy Act of 2020; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3791 Pharmacy; interchangeable biological products; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB3814 Schools; creating the School Athlete Concussion Protection Act of 2020; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3836 Pharmacy; interchangeable biological products; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3837 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Pharmaceutical Act of 2020; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3838 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Biosimilars Act of 2020; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3852 Professions and occupations; Oklahoma Pharmacy Benefit Manager Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3853 Public health; Oklahoma Opioid Reform Initiative; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3854 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Opioid Reform Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3856 Health; creating the Oklahoma Opioid Reform Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3862 Professions and occupations; optometry; modifying scope of practice; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB3872 Professions and occupations; creating the Youth Mental Health Protection Act; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB3891 Appropriation; State Department of Rehabilitation Services; amount; purpose; public policy; effective date; emergency.       REF TO APPROP (H)

 HB3892 Missing children; law enforcement; collection of information; notification requirements; effective date.       REF TO PUBSAFE (S)

 HB3895 Public health; Sickle Cell Alliance and Advisory Committee; emergency.       REF TO PUBHLTH (H)

 HB3896 Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; prescription limits and rules for opioids; providing exception; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB3929 Public health; Oklahoma Patient Information Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3931 Public health and safety; creating the Public Health and Safety Reform Act of 2020; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3952 Public health and safety; creating the Oklahoma Universal Changing Stations Act; requiring installation and maintenance of a universal changing station in certain public buildings; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB3959 Medical marijuana; creating Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority as a separate and distinct state agency; removing references to the State Department of Health and updating language; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB3991 Public health; Oklahoma Smoking Cessation Act; effective date.       REF TO APPROP (H)

 HB4000 Professions and occupations; Oklahoma Midwife Regulations Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB4003 Revenue and taxation; income tax deduction; infertility treatments; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB4039 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Public Health Advancement Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB4040 Beef; authorizing identification label of official Oklahoma beef for certain products; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB4041 Public health; risk exposure; virus and disease; requiring release of certain records and information to funeral directors and embalmers; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB4064 State government; creating the State Government Health Care Administrative Reform and Reorganization Act of 2020; consolidating the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 HB4065 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Public Health Renovation Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB4066 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Public Health Restoration Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB4067 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Public Health Transformation Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB4068 Public health; State Commissioner of Health; eliminating qualification requirements; eliminating authority of the Board to modify powers and duties of the Commissioner; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB4069 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Public Health Expansion Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB4070 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Public Health Advancement Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB4071 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Public Health Development Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB4072 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Public Health Improvement Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB4078 Mental health; modifying status of the Commissioner of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; modifying members constituting a quorum; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB4079 Mental health; creating the Oklahoma Mental Health Innovation Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB4116 Public health; prohibiting performance of abortions; penalties; repealers; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB4118 Professions and occupations; physical therapist continuing education; effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 HB4119 Schools; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention vaccination requirements; providing exemption; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB4122 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Public Health Advancement Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB4123 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Public Health Innovation Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB4124 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Public Health Improvement Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB4133 Immunizations; requiring the State Department of Education and school districts to provide certain information and links or forms; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB4134 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Informed Consent Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB4157 Department of Mental Health and substance Abuse Services; requiring that portions of certain appropriated funds be used for certain purposes; budge procedures.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HCR1010 Public health; urging the President and Congress to pass legislation to hold drug manufacturers liable for design defects for vaccines.       INTRODUCED (H)

 HJR1038 Traumatic brain injuries; Advisory Council on Traumatic Brain Injury.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HR1027 Rose Day; recognizing Rose Day at the State Capitol.       INTRODUCED (H)

 HR1033 Emergency conditions; declaring; House Rules.       SEC OF STATE

 HR1037 Mental health; proclaiming May 2020 to be Mental Health Awareness Month.       INTRODUCED (H)

 SB1033 Opioid drugs; prescription limits; modifying certain grounds for disciplinary action; defining unprofessional conduct. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1040 Genetic disorders; adding certain disorder to newborn screening requirements. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1082 Health insurance; requiring insurers to cap co-payments for insulin. Effective date.       REF TO RETIRE (S)

 SB1102 Public health and safety; Catastrophic Health Emergency Powers Act; modifying. Emergency.       HA'S READ (S)

 SB1156 Public health and safety; prohibiting the sale or lease of crib bumper pads; prohibiting use or possession in certain locations. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1158 Health insurance; capping copay for insulin prescription. Effective date.       REF TO RETIRE (S)

 SB1160 State Department of Health; requiring that portions of certain appropriated funds be used for certain purposes. Effective date. Emergency.       INTRODUCED (S)

 SB1171 Health insurance; capping copayments for insulin prescriptions. Effective date.       REF TO RETIRE (S)

 SB1201 Health information; requiring health care entities to utilize statewide health information exchange. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1208 Mental health; providing for assessment via telemedicine under certain circumstances; adding statutory reference. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1221 Controlled dangerous substances; adding certain exception related to electronic prescriptions. Emergency.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1224 State Board of Education; directing the solicitation of proposals for pilot projects for certain health and education services. Effective date. Emergency.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1227 Telemedicine; directing the State Department of Health to enter into certain agreement. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1228 Medical marijuana; broadening eligibility for discount application fee; providing for expedited application review; establishing fee. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1233 Public health and safety; prohibiting certain use of title and offer of services except by certain individuals. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1234 Alcohol and drug abuse services; adding certain exemption. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1238 Maternal mortality; requiring certain reporting and documentation on death certificate under certain circumstances. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1248 Medical marijuana; authorizing licensed pharmacy to apply for dispensary license and operate as dispensary upon certain federal action. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 SB1249 Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; directing certain use of land under certain conditions. Effective date.       REF TO JUD (S)

 SB1250 Public health and safety; requiring certain products to contain certain label. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1251 Home care; modifying applicability of the Home Care Act. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1275 Medical marijuana; creating the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Tax Fund; clarifying direction of monies. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO FIN (S)

 SB1277 Controlled dangerous substances; authorizing certain access to central repository; creating and modifying certain exceptions. Effective date. Emergency.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1278 Controlled dangerous substances; adding certain exception to electronic prescribing requirements. Emergency.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1279 Mental health; updating term. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1296 Smoking in public places; modifying authority of county or municipal government to prohibit use of certain products. Emergency.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB13 Abortion; creating the Abolition of Abortion in Oklahoma Act. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1321 Vital statistics; adding definition of court order. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1335 State Department of Health; modifying unclassified service positions. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1341 Pharmacy; providing for substitution of biological product under certain conditions; requiring certain communication. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1342 Controlled dangerous substances; prohibiting drug wholesaler from preventing certain purchase by licensed pharmacy. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1343 Home care; authorizing the State Commissioner of Health to promulgate certain rules. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1345 Public health and safety; modifying time period of certain report; modifying criteria. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1346 Syringe access programs; authorizing certain entities to establish program; specifying services; modifying certain definition. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1347 Public health and safety; modifying time period of certain report; modifying required information. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1348 Sexually transmitted infections; broadening certain testing requirements for pregnant women. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1349 State Department of Health; updating statutory term. Effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB1353 Law enforcement training; requiring crisis intervention training. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1359 Judicial authorization for anatomical gift; authorizing court to order procurement of anatomical gifts under certain circumstances. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1386 Confidentiality of court records; establishing confidentiality requirements for cases assigned to mental health court programs. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB139 Health insurance; requiring coverage for in vitro fertilization for certain persons. Effective date.       REF TO RETIRE (S)

 SB1392 Assisted living centers; modifying criteria for prescription of an antipsychotic drug for residents; requiring reassessments. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1394 Controlled dangerous substances; modifying certain requirement of chronic pain prescriptions. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 SB1395 Health services for minors; broadening minors who may consent to health services. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1407 State government; repealing sections relating to the Governor's Advisory Committees to the Office of Disability Concerns. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 SB1423 Tobacco and vapor products; increasing legal age limits related to purchase, receipt, possession, sale or distribution. Emergency.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB1438 Sales tax; increasing dollar limit on exempt purchases by certain surviving spouse of disabled veteran. Effective date.       REF TO FIN (S)

 SB1443 Pharmacists; requiring insurer to provide payment or reimbursement to pharmacist in certain circumstances. Effective date.       REF TO RETIRE (S)

 SB1455 Schools; directing the State Department of Education to establish a program to receive reports of potential harm. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1494 Controlled dangerous substances; adding certain exception to requirements for opioid prescriptions. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1506 State Department of Health; authorizing certain transfer of funds upon request. Effective date. Emergency.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1510 Physical therapy; extending time period of certain authorization. Effective date.       INTRODUCED (S)

 SB1512 Controlled dangerous substances; providing certain protections related to opioid prescriptions; providing certain construction.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1514 Vaccines; prohibiting certain vaccines; directing promulgation of rules. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1516 Board of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; decreasing number of members necessary for quorum. Emergency.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB1529 Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust; apportionment. Effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB1530 Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust; modifying certain apportionment; authorizing certain expenditures.       REF TO APPR (S)

 SB1576 Health insurance; requiring Insurance Department to investigate price of prescription insulin drugs; requiring health insurers to cap copayments for insulin. Effective date.       REF TO RETIRE (S)

 SB1598 Health insurance; requiring coverage for certain pediatric autoimmune disorders panel; authorizing Insurance Commission to promulgate rules. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1606 Transportation for mental health services by law enforcement; amending responsibility for transport. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1620 Prescription drugs; creating the Oklahoma Right to Know Act; authorizing persons to request certain information on drug pricing. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 SB1660 Mental health diversion by law enforcement; modifying allowable facilities; allowing certain program establishment. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1675 Tobacco; prohibiting flavored tobacco used for vaping; defining terms. Effective date.       REF TO BUS (S)

 SB1710 Health insurance; requiring health plans to provide coverage for certain craniofacial disorder repairs. Effective date.       INTRODUCED (S)

 SB1718 Health insurance; modifying mandated coverage for mental health and substance use disorders; requiring health plans to submit annual report. Effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB1720 Child support; requiring medical billing for child to both parents under certain circumstances. Effective date.       REF TO JUD (S)

 SB1721 Abortion; creating the Unborn Person Equality Act; providing certain interpretation and construction of the laws of this state. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1722 Prescription drugs; requiring drug manufacturers, pharmacy benefit managers and insurers to report certain drug price information to Insurance Department. Effective date.       REF TO RETIRE (S)

 SB1728 Abortion; creating the Unborn Person Wrongful Death Act; modifying requirements for award of certain damages; modifying persons with standing to bring certain actions. Effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB1748 Hospitals; establishing certain requirements; providing for certain determination, evaluation, and consideration. Effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB176 State government; requiring annual audit of the State Department of Health. Effective date.       REF TO APPR (S)

 SB1760 Vaccines; requiring health care provider to provide certain information; requiring offer of certain alternative vaccine. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1761 Mental health; modifying certain definition. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1762 Vaccines; requiring health care provider to offer certain vaccines individually upon request. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1764 Emergency response systems; eliminating geographical restrictions on stretcher vans. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1767 Prevention and control of disease; establishing statewide syndromic surveillance system for certain purpose. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1768 County boards of health; providing for certain agreements; allowing certain combination of resources. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1770 Mental health; increasing number of allowed treatment advocates; modifying certain form. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1772 Hospitals; allowing certain exemption under certain circumstances; allowing certain hospitals to contain emergency department. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1774 Health departments; modifying certain requirement of departments. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1786 Abortion; broadening certain definitions to include certain acts; requiring disciplinary action for certain acts. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1819 Health services for minors; prohibiting certain medical treatment for minors; providing penalty. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1823 Midwifery; creating Shepherd's Law; providing for licensure of midwives; creating the Advisory Committee on Midwifery. Effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB1833 Medical care; modifying provisions related to informed consent. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1839 Cosmetic procedures; creating the Oklahoma Cosmetic Procedures Licensing Act. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1851 Department of Human Services; providing for removal of certain individuals from certain waiting list; requiring Department cover certain expenses under certain circumstances. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 SB1852 ADvantage Waiver Program; directing transfer of employees, powers, duties and monies to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority. Effective date.       REF TO APPR (S)

 SB1854 Immunizations; requiring certain information be provided to schools. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 SB1855 Schools; prohibiting certain vaccination without prior written authorization. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1857 Medical records; authorizing access to certain billing information; modifying certain fee structure. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1858 Immunizations; prohibiting denial of personal exemption in certain circumstances. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO ED (S)

 SB1859 Abortion; broadening certain definition to include certain acts; modifying the Heartbeat Informed Consent Act. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1863 State Commissioner of Health; removing qualifications of the Commissioner.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1867 Oklahoma Health Care Authority; requiring certain study; requiring certain report. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1869 Workplace violence prevention; providing for creation of certain plan; providing for training. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1870 Commissioner of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; repealing provision related to qualifications.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1872 Mental health and substance abuse services; providing for certain consent by certain minors. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1876 Health insurance; requiring pharmacy benefit manager to publish certain information. Effective date.       REF TO RETIRE (S)

 SB1880 Natural healing arts; providing for certain allowances without licenses. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1881 Prescription drugs; requiring certain entities to report information related to drug prices to Insurance Department; requiring Department to maintain website with certain information. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1893 Infant mortality; requiring certain individuals to conduct certain investigation and fill out certain form. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB1897 Hospitals; requiring hospitals to compile certain list; requiring the State Department of Health to publish certain information. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1905 Public health and safety; modifying certain requirements for city-county board of health. Effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB1912 Prescription drugs; directing the State Department of Health to design wholesale drug importation program. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB1936 Rehabilitation Services; requiring certain appropriated funds be used for certain purposes.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB195 Constitutional amendment; clarifying no provision of the Constitution secures or protects a right to perform or receive an abortion. Ballot title.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB242 Pain-management clinics; providing for registration and regulation of pain-management clinics. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB296 Opioid drugs; deleting and modifying certain requirements related to prescriptions. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB321 Employment of blind persons; granting Department of Rehabilitation Services immunity from liability for certain damages. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB327 Abortion facilities; requiring State Department of Health to maintain certain information on Department website. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB385 Mental health; modifying certain definition. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB40 Healthcare; directing Soon-to-be Sooner program to cease by certain date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB438 Public health and safety; Oklahoma State University Medical Authority Act; modifying terms. Effective date.       INTRODUCED (S)

 SB505 Health insurance; modifying type of plan that health benefit plan includes for child immunization. Effective date.       REF TO RETIRE (S)

 SB534 Emergency medical and behavioral health treatment; adding certain exclusion to certain definition. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB578 Public health; creating the Oklahoma Commission on Obesity; providing for membership; requiring report. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB612 Medical marijuana; prescribing penalty for certain crime. Emergency.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB699 Schools; directing the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services to make certain training available to school districts.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 SB758 Professions and occupations; authorizing certain physician boards to issue certain guidance and take certain disciplinary action. Emergency.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB760 Medical marijuana; requiring the State Department of Health to make certain application available; allowing for short-term license.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB778 Abortion; prohibiting certain grant funding; specifying certain exceptions; providing certain construction and recognition. Effective date.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SB803 Schools; providing that optometrists may perform vision screening; adding certain exemptions. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 SB841 Insurance; creating the Prescription Access and Affordability Act; requiring retail pharmacy networks to comply with certain standards. Effective date.       VETOED

 SB856 State Board of Pharmacy; adding certain responsibilities; establishing limit on prescriptions. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB861 Child abuse; providing exclusion to certain offense. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB867 Abortion; modifying certain definition; deleting certain exception; prohibiting renewal of physician license for certain acts. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB872 Health information; directing the Governor to declare a Qualified State-Designated Entity. Emergency.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB899 Health insurance; adding supervised assistant behavior analyst to covered provider for autism spectrum disorder. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB921 State Commissioner of Health; exempting Commissioner from certain qualifications under certain conditions. Emergency.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SB925 Vaccinations; requiring school districts to report certain information to State Department of Health. Effective date. Emergency.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB928 Substance abuse services; directing Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services to initiate certain partnership. Effective date.       REF TO APPR (S)

 SB940 Prescription drugs; creating the Prescription Drug Safety and Cost Reduction Importation Pilot Program Act; allowing certain prescription drugs to be imported under certain circumstances. Effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 SB955 Professions and occupations; creating the Radiologic Technologist Licensure Act. Effective date.       FAILED IN COMMITTEE (S)

 SJR27 Constitutional amendment; modifying amount of deposit to the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust. Ballot title.       SEC OF STATE

 SJR28 Constitutional amendment; deleting requirement for certain deposit to the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust. Ballot title.       REF TO APPR (S)

Address: 2300 N Lincoln Blvd., State Capitol Building, Oklahoma City, OK 73105