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Showing List for: Economic Development


Short Title

Last Action

 HB1411 Rural economic development; Task Force on Small Community Development; membership; duties; meetings; report; effective date; emergency.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB1496 Economic development; Rural Small Business Assistance Act of 2017; emergency.       REF TO BUS (H)

 HB1512 Public finance; boycotts; Israel, pension systems; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB1532 Public finance; Incentive Evaluation Act; criteria; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 HB1534 Infrastructure development; Local Public and Private Facilities and Infrastructure Act; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB1652 Revenue and taxation; Quality Events Incentive Act; maximum payments; exceptions; sunset; effective date; emergency.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB1654 Revenue and taxation; Film Enhancement Rebate Program; repealer; effective date; emergency.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB1659 Economic development; Pay for Success Act of 2017; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB1797 Economic development; Jobs Incentive Amendments Act of 2017; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB1839 Revenue and taxation; tax credits; aerospace engineers; taxable years.       GENERAL ORDER (S)

 HB1848 Revenue and taxation; Film Enhancement Rebate Program; prohibiting future payments; exceptions; emergency.       REF TO APPROP (H)

 HB2131 State government; creating the Tourism Development Act; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB2132 Prosperity districts; providing for creation; procedures; compact.       REF TO RULES (S)

 HB2133 Economic development; Economic Development Act of 2017; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2134 Economic development; Economic Development Act of 2017; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2315 Economic development; Economic Development Act of 2017; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2344 Revenue and taxation; Compete with Canada Film Act; maximum amount of incentive payments; effective date; emergency.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HR1021 Taiwan; sister-state relationship; findings; commending Mr. Louis M. Huang; distribution.       INTRODUCED (H)

 SB120 Income tax; extending time period during which certain tax credits for aerospace industry may be claimed. Effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB154 Incentive Evaluation Act; expanding actions which may be taken by Incentive Evaluation Commission.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB196 Motor vehicle license plates; creating Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission plate; creating specified revolving fund; providing purpose. Effective date.       DIED IN CONFERENCE

 SB230 Definitions; establishing Oklahoma Women in Aviation and Aerospace Day. Effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB47 Definitions and general provisions; establishing "Oklahoma Aviation and Aerospace Day". Effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB548 Government units; creating prosperity districts; structure; powers; compacts; commission. Effective date.       REF TO APPR (S)

 SB567 Compete with Canada Film Act; date of termination of Act. Effective date. Emergency.       REF TO AP-FIN (S)

Address: 2300 N Lincoln Blvd., State Capitol Building, Oklahoma City, OK 73105