History For SB 748 |
Journal Page
First Reading |
226 |
02/04/2019 |
S |
Authored by Senator Smalley |
226 |
02/04/2019 |
S |
Second Reading referred to Education Committee then to Appropriations Committee |
324 |
02/05/2019 |
S |
Reported Do Pass as amended Education committee; CR filed |
415 |
02/19/2019 |
S |
Title stricken |
02/19/2019 |
S |
Emergency clause stricken |
02/19/2019 |
S |
Referred to Appropriations |
02/19/2019 |
S |
Reported Do Pass as amended Appropriations committee; CR filed |
533 |
02/27/2019 |
S |
Title stricken |
02/27/2019 |
S |
Coauthored by Representative Echols (principal House author) |
614 |
03/05/2019 |
S |
General Order, Considered |
881 |
03/14/2019 |
S |
Measure passed: Ayes: 47 Nays: 0 |
881 |
03/14/2019 |
S |
Referred for engrossment |
881 |
03/14/2019 |
S |
Engrossed to House |
911 |
03/18/2019 |
S |
First Reading |
855 |
03/18/2019 |
H |
Second Reading referred to Common Education |
872 |
03/25/2019 |
H |
Withdrawn from Common Education, Direct to Calendar |
812 |
05/04/2020 |
H |
General Order |
943 |
05/14/2020 |
H |
Laid over |
943 |
05/14/2020 |
H |
Considered |
944 |
05/14/2020 |
H |
Remove Senator Smalley as principal Senate author and substitute with Senator Thompson |
944 |
05/14/2020 |
H |
Amended by floor substitute |
945 |
05/14/2020 |
H |
Title restored |
945 |
05/14/2020 |
H |
Emergency added |
945 |
05/14/2020 |
H |
Third Reading, Measure and Emergency passed: Ayes: 86 Nays: 14 |
945 |
05/14/2020 |
H |
Referred for engrossment |
946 |
05/14/2020 |
H |
Engrossed, signed, to Senate |
963 |
05/14/2020 |
H |
HAs read |
981 |
05/14/2020 |
S |
Coauthored by Representative Branham |
1006 |
05/15/2020 |
S |